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Nasal Augmentation: Procedure, Type, And Recovery

Precise judgments regarding the kinds of substances that can be used to substitute for supports need to be made when planning for nose reconstruction needing implants. The proposed reconstruction’s final soft tissue covering is of the utmost significance during the stages of preparation. A doctor will suggest which type of nasal augmentation is best? (เสริมจมูกแบบไหนดี, which is the term in Thai) for you according to your condition.

Various Procedures

Every nose job is different. Each person wanting a nose job has unique requirements and goals when they visit the doctor. Surgeons can give each patient the finest care possible by personalizing their therapy. Depending on your needs, your doctor may recommend one of four primary types of nose positions.

  • Closed Rhinoplasty
  • Open Rhinoplasty
  • Filler Rhinoplasty
  • Revision Rhinoplasty

The Procedure

According to the sort of nose job you’re getting, it may need to be done in a hospital, a doctor’s clinic, or an outpatient facility because it’s a relatively small treatment. You might be given local anaesthesia, depending upon the surgery and how much work is needed. It won’t put you to sleep. It will merely numb the inside of your nose. Certain nose surgeries necessitate general anaesthesia, allowing you to sleep through the procedure.

The medical professional will make cuts within or between your nostrils once the anaesthesia has taken effect. The surgeon might take some cartilage from your ears or insert it deep into your nasal cavity if the procedure calls for tissue grafting with cartilage. After separating the covering of skin from your cartilage and bones, the surgeon will rebuild the underlying framework to address the problems you raised.

The Process Of Recovery

Following the procedure, your medical professional will apply bandages to the bridge of your nose and an inflatable or metal splint to assist your nose in maintaining its new form while it heals. To help stabilize your septum, a healthcare provider could additionally insert splints within your nostrils.

To lessen the inflammation and bleeding in your nose, you should take several days of rest with the head elevated below the level of your chest. About a week following surgery, most patients are requested to keep the gauze and splints in and on their noses. Your stitches will naturally fall out if they are dissolvable. You must return to the doctor about a week after the procedure to get them removed if they are not removable.

After the procedure, you’ll probably bleed and have some drainage for a few days. Your face may appear bloated and puffy, and you could get headaches. To reduce the pain, your doctor could recommend medication.

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